Innovation MgO 1/2" Wall Panels

What separates Innovation MgO from traditional products and other MgO panel products?

Innovation MgO 1/2″ Wall Panels are noncombustible class A fire-rated and approved for use in all building types I, II, III, IV, & V under the 2021 International Building Code (IBC) and ASTM E136 standard. Third-party International Code Council Evaluation Service (ICC-ES) listings and reports available here provide evidence of these approvals.

Innovating the Construction Industry

Type I “Fire-Resistive” (e.g. high rises) and Type II “Noncombustible” (e.g. shopping centers) buildings require noncombustible or limited-combustible construction methods and materials. These buildings are typically steel frame or concrete construction. Due to our proprietary formula and extensive fire testing protocols, Innovation MgO 1/2″ Wall Panels are one of very few sheathing panel products (traditional or MgO) available in the U.S. that are code approved for use in these building types.

As a noncombustible class A fire-rated material with independent 1-hour and 2-hour fire ratings, Innovation MgO 1/2″ Wall Panels can be used as exterior load-bearing sheathing panels on wood, steel, and masonry frame buildings. Innovation MgO 1/2″ Wall Panels have undergone extensive third-party testing for fire resistance and are approved through International Code Council Evaluation Service (ICC-ES) for use in all building types I, II, III, IV, & V per the 2021 International Building Code (IBC) and ASTM E136 standards.

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All Buildings and Many Application Types

Innovation MgO is an incredibly versatile panel product that can be used in many interior and exterior applications for homes and buildings. This versatility enables project teams to use the same panel product in many applications such as structural and fire-rated sheathing panels for exterior building enclosures, interior walls and ceilings, elevator shafts and stairwell walls, and much more. Project teams benefit by specifying one panelized product for these multiple uses while their distribution partner stocks and supplies one panel product versus multiple on a job site.

Innovation MgO’s high performance benefits originate from putting our panels through the most rigorous third-party testing for fire resistance and technical performance. These characteristics make it one of the most versatile sheathing products available nationwide.

Installation Conditions

Innovation MgO can be installed in all weather conditions using traditional tools and methods. Our MgO panels excel in freeze/thaw conditions, making them a superior product when compared to exterior gypsum, which can disintegrate in multiple freeze/thaw cycles. In contrast to wood-based products, Innovation MgO maintains its dimensional stability in extreme cold and heat as well as moisture and humidity. Our panels will not warp, swell, delaminate, or deteriorate while exposed to the elements during normal construction conditions.

Framing Types

As a noncombustible class A fire-rated material, Innovation MgO 1/2″ Wall Panels are pending final code approval for use on wood, metal, and steel studs as well as concrete substrate and panelized projects. The same panel can be used as an underlayment on wood studs in a single-family home as well as a fire-rated structural attachment plane for cladding on a commercial metal stud exterior wall.

Panelized Products

In addition to being used on its own in the construction of exterior walls, interior floors, and more, Innovation MgO is an ideal sheathing material for panelized products such as Structural Insulated Sheathing (SIS) and Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs). Incorporating Innovation MgO in these products provides them with superior fire-resistance, dimensional stability, flexural strength, and cladding attachment capabilities when compared to traditional materials such as FRTW sheets, gypsum panels, or Portland cement-based panels.

Solutions for Modern Challenges

The versatility of Innovation MgO lends itself to a variety of challenges faced by today’s project teams:

  • Panelizers: MgO panels resist wear and damage during construction of panelized walls, ensuring panels arrive to job sites in pristine condition.
  • Wildfire Protection: MgO panels can be used for exterior walls of homes and buildings in wildfire zones, providing beneficial protection from wildfires and increasing the time for occupants to exit the buildings and first responders to act.
  • Zero Lot Line Homes: MgO panels provide a fire-rated structural assembly that is often required in areas of dense housing where space is precious. Additionally, MgO panels contribute to sound deadening properties, helping to reduce noise between homes in close proximity to one another.
  • Type III Podium Multifamily: Structural strength and fire-resistance enables more stories and more density, resulting in higher profitability for developers.
  • Elevator Shaft Liners: MgO panels meet 1 and 2-hour fire rating requirements for elevator shafts while also providing structural strength and extended durability.
  • Stucco: MgO panels can be used in a stucco wall assembly provided proper air and water drainage layers.